Method of Education
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Method of Education
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Karnataka Institute Of
Management & Technological Science
Karnataka Institute Of Management & Technological Science adopts multimedia educational system consisting of printed Course material for self study and very encouraging facility for practical and personal contact programs and to evaluate lessons by faculty experts.
Universities recognized by UGC and Govt. of India Examinations. Learning material are specially prepared by the team of Experts from different universities, Institutions. All the self instructing Material is converted into Print Form & in Soft copies.

The System of evaluation for Distance Education Students as per Rules of Distance Education Council New Delhi. Karnataka Institute Of Management & Technological Science has a 3-Tier System of evaluation
• Self assessment exercise within each unit of study Material in SIMs Continuous Evaluation, mainly through Assignments Tutor Marked or Computer marked (CMAs) for Theory & Practical both of each Course and Seminar / Project / Field visit / Work Shop training.
• The Term and Examination for Theory, Practical & Viva Voce will be as per rules of Institution.
For a Student to be declared passed, must secure minimum 40% marks in both continuous evaluation in the form of Assignment and Term End Examination separately and a total of 50% in each Course (Paper).

To provide outstanding education and training which is primarily vocational, in response to the needs of learners and employers.
To continue to develop and be recognised as an outstanding educational and economic resource by learners, staff, employers and the wider community.